PARKINSONS DISEASE is a disorder of the central system (CNS). The motor symptoms of Parkinsons illness ar thanks to the death of dopamine-generating cells within the neural structure that's a neighborhood of the middle brain. The reason behind death isn't illustrious. Early symptoms embody rigidity, shaking, slow movement and gait disturbances. Then psychological feature and activity problems would possibly develop with insanity typically arising within the advanced stages of the illness.
The development of Parkinsons malady and also the degree of injury vary from individual to individual. many of us with Parkinsons malady live long productive lives, whereas others become disabled far more quickly. Parkinsons malady could be a heterogeneous and genetically advanced disorder of for the most part unknown etiology. it's the second most typical neuro degenerative disease within the general population. or so four million folks worldwide ar calculable to be living with Parkinsons malady. Incidence of Parkinsons will increase with age, however associate degree calculable four p.c of individuals with atomic number 46 ar diagnosed before the age of 50. Adult-onset Parkinsons malady is most typical, however early-onset Parkinsons disease (onset between 21-40 years), and juvenile-onset Parkinsons malady (onset before age 21) also exist.
An early and accurate diagnosis of Parkinsons disease is important in developing good treatment strategies to maintain a high quality of life for as long as possible. A physician will diagnose Parkinsons disease from the medical history and a neurological examination. There is no lab test that will clearly identify the disease, but brain scans and other laboratory tests are sometimes used to rule out disorders that could give rise to similar symptoms.
Patients may be given levodopa and resulting relief of motor impairment tends to confirm diagnosis. Individuals may sometimes be misdiagnosed as having another disorder, and sometimes individuals with Parkinson-like symptoms may be inaccurately diagnosed as having Parkinsons disease. It is therefore important to re-evaluate individuals in the early phase on a regular basis to rule out other conditions that may be responsible for the symptoms.
Parkinsons is co-related with kampavata in ayurveda. In old age vata dosha is more predominant in the body. This vata relocates in the brain and dries up the brain cells leading to tremors and instability. Parkinsons disease reflects massive vitiation of vata which occupies almost all channels of body. Weak digestive fire, disturbed digestion and presence of toxins (ama) are generally obsereved in the patient at gastrointestinal as well as cellular levels, which provide conducive environment for vitiation of vata. Digestive herbs, in conjunction with nerve tonics are administered to restore digestive function both in the gastro intestinal tract and at a cellular level. Specific diets and regimen are advised.