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Ayurvedic healthcare hospital in kochi Ayurvedic healthcare hospital in kochi


Rheumatic Arthritis is inflammation of the joint. the most symptoms are pain and/or stiffness. typically inflammatory disease could be a condition skilled jointly grows previous. most typical is 50+. inflammatory disease is general may be classified as a pair of, chronic and infective. each ar conditions that don't seem to be terribly simple to handle..
Degeneration is that the law of nature. however it may be positively bogged down if it's happening because of fashion problems. One major issue resulting in osteoarthritis is inactive life and constant trauma on the joints because of excess weight. Weight bearing joints like knees, hip and ankles get affected quicker because of fatness and that they degenerate quicker. Injury and improper handling of the joint also can result in inflammatory disease.
Infective inflammatory disease ar several, however the foremost common one is autoimmune disorder (RA). this can be Associate in Nursing auto-immune condition wherever all told the joints (especially the small) gets inflamed. This if not handled properlycan result in disfiguration of the joints. Steroids ar typically prescribed for this condition.
Treatment approach for each is slightly totally different. within the infective sort, we have to handle the inflammation 1st before doing treatment for the joint directly. In Most of the conditions, the inflammation is throughout the body even supposing it's exhibited solely regionally. however ultimately, forboth, the treatment is to strengthen the muscles round the joint and tone the soft tissues. gentle to moderate fashion changes also are required to own sustained results.

  • Ayurvedic method – As Ama and Vata are the main causative factors, a long term remedy for arthritis should include some in-depth treatment methods to digest Ama and reduce Vata. The digestion should slowly improve from time to time, thus reducing the production of Ama, so that no further Ama is created in the long run. This is a slow, steady, and gradual method, and involves a series of authentic Ayurvedic treatments.
  • Fasting is highly essential to boost the digestion of Ama. Fasting can either be complete or be partial.
  • Light exercises should complement the daily Ayurvedic treatments. The amount and intensity of exercises can vary from person to person, depending on their limits.
  • Liberal intake of fruit juices that are rich in Vitamin C will help enhance the effectiveness of the Ayurvedic anti-arthritis treatments. Vitamin C is highly essential to reduce skeletal pain.
  • Commiphorawightii, commonly known as Guggal, is a highly effective herb to cure arthritis.Based on its availability, Guggal can be taken in one to three gram doses, twice a day, with warm water, right after meals. But make sure to note that Guggal is not recommended for those with kidney diseases or allergies.